Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You pronounce all of the Native American named towns with a Spanish accent

Alright, I can't really take credit for this one.  Last week my Aunt Debra and I were playing tourist in the city, and she told me that she and my Aunt Jill finally realized they we pronouncing everything wrong.  But it can get a little confusing when we come from an area of San Jose and Camino Tassajara.  Now it's Lake Sammamish and Snowqualmie.  It's nice to be up here living with family that at one time made the same move that I have just made.

It's also been really nice just spending more time with family.  I've always been very close to my family.  Too close as most of my friends would tell you.  I guess I just really enjoy being with people that have to love me no matter how weird I am.  I've been fortunate enough to always be around a lot of family.  I grew up with both sets of grandparents within 30 minutes.  Then when I went to UC Irvine, my Uncle Cliff and Aunt Jenny were just 15 minutes away.  I was able to watch my cousin Ryan go from an infant to a little boy.  Unfortunately I'm missing that with Landon, but yet again I am with family.  This time I am getting to live with my mom's youngest sister Jill and her family.  And there really is no better way to get to know someone than living with them.  My cousins have gone from kids I see once a year to friends I get to see everyday.  I'm also getting to spend a lot of time with my Aunt Debra, which is something that I really cherish.  She's so great at listening.

So although of course I miss my mom, dad, brother and sister, it's really nice to still be close to family.  There's just a level of comfort in knowing that someone has your back.  So even though there are times when I might be feeling a little lost or lonely, I know that I still have my family.  And when I do something stupid like pronounce Wenatchee wrong, they get it, and correct me without making too much fun of me.

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